Sunday, May 27, 2012

There's No Place Like Gnome

Collie, Toby, in a photo op.
I loved today.

It was peaceful. And in spite of the extreme heat, the day held a certain easy-going charm about it.

Before I put an end to my day, I want to share with you the beauty that caught my eye and heart.

Sit back and enjoy the slideshow, and help me out with the picture at the end. :)

Prince, the collie, looking particularly cute with his tongue hanging out.
I love how the peonies are the first to bloom on the farm. They're so happy!
Metal Iowa corn is about all that's growing in this heat.
Flowers really belong anywhere.

Purple phlox is the sweetest and easiest addition to our yard.
Roses, roses, and more roses. When we first moved here, they were nearly dead.

Even though the chickens escaped to eat the hollyhocks, I see beauty as they brace themselves along a wagon wheel.

Our jolly little gnome nestled in the river birch tree. Got a name for him?

I hope these pictures sent some extra peace your way. Before you go, please take a second to offer a suggestion as to what I should name this happy gnome.

Sending DewKist happiness always,



  1. Replies
    1. I love it! Friends have suggested some others, but I love Dewy! Thanks!

  2. I just found your blog. I love these pictures. My suggestion for the gnome name is "Woody," but I like Dewy too.

  3. Hi Beverly, I'm glad you found my DewKist blog. Welcome! Woody is a great name too. I've also been offered up "Mr. Buggles." This is fun for sure!


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