Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Best Apple Crisp (ever made in my kitchen)

Thanks to the neighbor friend, I have a lot of apples, and after many apple pies, I decided to make apple crisp for hubby last night. Actually, that's not the truth; I made it for myself because hubby doesn't like apple crisp.

Until now.

Of all the recipes I've come across, this one just may be perfection, but there is one thing I need to apologize for in advance. I'm sorry that you'll want to eat it all in one sitting. I'm also sorry, dear hubby, that when I took last night's apple crisp out of the fridge to take a picture for today's blog post, I ate a whole bunch of it.

If I remember correctly, my husband said something like, "You know, this could be served in a restaurant. It's so good."

And it is. That's why I'm sharing the Winning Apple Crisp Recipe from Taste of Home with you.

Happy fall baking to you, and please let me know what you think of the recipe once you try it.



  1. Would you mind sharing the variety of apple you used? I live in Washington and we have many to choose from, which can really change the outcome of an apple pie or crisp. Thanks for the recipe!

    1. Colleen, I picked the apples from a neighbor's orchard, and he couldn't recall the variety of apples he had planted years ago. I do know that they were very tart, and that made the dessert just right. When I made the recipe with apples that weren't as tart, I found things to be too sweet for my liking. Let me know how it goes!

  2. Mmmmmm thank you for sharing Sharon. I just finished a wonderful bowl full, hot from the oven. I made mine with McIntosh apples, tart and sweet, and oh so good!

    1. Good choice with the apples, Patti! The more tart the apples are the better. Glad you liked it!


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