Sunday, April 1, 2012

No Joking...

Today is April Fools Day.

It stands to reason that I didn't believe my husband when he told me that he and our oldest son were going to turn one of the front hay fields into an MLB-sized baseball diamond.

"What?" I asked, staring at him in awe. Two minutes later, it was obvious this was for real. There was measuring and mowing....

Planning the site.

... and plowing. I think by time the plow came out, I knew this wasn't a joke.

Once the plowing is done, we'll break the dirt down with the disc and a drag. Our plan is to plant grass in the infield and maybe bring in some limestone for the baselines. 

Until then, how about some back flips in the dirt?

I'll keep you posted on the baseball diamond progress. Until then, if you're a friend or a neighbor, start working on your baseball skills.

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