Sunday, May 6, 2012

You're Berry Welcome to Dream

I have a Berry Binder. What's that? Essentially, it's my garden journal. Countless times, I have walked through gift stores and wondered why anyone would need a garden journal. Now I understand.

Early in the year, I searched the Iowa State University Extension Office website for any information that would help me turn the 200' x 50' plot of land into an enchanting garden. I found helpful articles about what would grow best in our black, yet sandy, soil. Sheets and sheets of information were printed off until my husband and I settled on our three main crops: raspberries, blueberries, and strawberries.

I keep these printouts in a red three-ring binder, along with seed catalog order receipts, a detailed account of every thing I do with our berries, results of self-conducted soil sample tests, and drawings of where certain varieties were planted. Should we luck out and have all sixty-five raspberries bushes thrive, then I want to remember exactly what I did to help that along. The same goes for the thirty-six blueberry bushes and 150 strawberry plants. I'm certain that one day I'll want to look back and see how many pounds of soil acidifier I worked into the blueberry patch, and, should that happen, I'll have the exact information at my finger the Berry Binder.

Layout of blueberry varieties
pH test shows need for acidity

3-15    Plowed up strawberry garden 
3-39    Added 15 lbs soil acidifier to prepare soil for blueberries
4-05    Added grass clippings as a mulch to raspberries
5-05    Spread chicken manure on the ever-bearing strawberries  

In a few years, my husband and I expect to have a very beautiful berry garden full of yummy fruits and beautiful flowers. It will be a peaceful getaway for visitors who want to enjoy a serene backdrop of grazing horses, sun-bathing hens, and happy song birds. And somewhere along the line, I am certain that somebody will ask me how they can get something like this started. When that happens, I will walk into my little garden shed and return with a gift for them - their own Berry Binder - empty, of course, so they can create their very own dream.

Wishing you the berry best,



  1. A journal definitely makes sense. I couldn't imagine trying to remember all of the details, no matter how hard I tried :) Do you live in Iowa? We moved to PHX from Des Moines a few years ago.

    1. Andrea, I am from Iowa, yes. As far as remembering details, I seem to need more and more notes the older I get. LOL

  2. Hi I am your newest follower love your sight I have a homestead binder with a barnyard section (just chickens right now) and a garden section. We are really small scale at this point but I have lots of dreams. Oh and I was the same about garden journals but I am a definite convert now, love my binder!

    1. Cheryl, I followed your blog as well. Who'd have thought we'd run into each? When I read that you were watching your soil pH too, I had to laugh. See you around!

  3. Wow, you're a true botanist and I love the idea of the binder journal to keep track of all your seedlings. We're trying gardening, too. We'll see how well we do...whether we have a 'green' or 'black' thumb :( hahaha

    1. Barbara, well...the cool thing is if you discover you have a black thumb, you can blame it on poor dirt. If you have a green thumb..well...then it's your skill. LOL Happy gardening! Let me know how it turns out.

  4. I just ventured into planting herbs and chose hardy ones that need little maintenance. Some day I hope to have berries. My great grandma grew currants, pears apples and a couple other odd fruits in her inner-city yard in Cleveland, Ohio. She was passionate like you are about her gardening!

    1. haha...I'm surprising myself with the passion part of things. This garden is super fun. I don't remember my last garden meaning so much to me. Perhaps it's because we're now in our forever home. :)


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